Wow the adult friendship challenges hit home this week! I am a reader of yours who I likely in a different stage than others, I don’t have any children yet but am hustling in my self employed business owner life. I’m an only child and I’ve started to realize that since I work on my own, and I don’t have any siblings to be really close with I feel quite lonely. I’ve being having some big feelings about friendships in my life and while I don’t have the answers to solve my struggles yet it felt really validating this morning to hear I’m not the only one!

Thanks Erin 🤍

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Being kind to yourself when the schedule just doesn’t allow you get it all in - it doesn’t come naturally to me but it’s so important!

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

Adult friendships can be so hard!! And being selective of who gets your time and energy is so important too. Feeling drained after a hang out is not good so I’ve definitely started to take a pause after my friend hang outs to check in with how that friend made me feel and take a moment to let them know if they filled my cup too! Coming from someone who has been told that they have a lot of friends, I’m even more mindful of this. Luckily I have my core group of friends who I check in with regularly and try to make time for so we always have either a lunch or coffee date planned. Which reminds me… I need to send a few texts and set a few up! Haha.

Thanks for sharing your flow this week 😊

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I am totally with you when it comes to those big conversations with my little girl. It breaks my heart every time she tells me about something that happens at school with her little “friends”. I also feel the physical crushing anxiety that comes when I try and respond to her about these situations. I don’t want to mess it up!! Thank you for sharing. As always, love being able to relate and know that I’m not alone going through these silent yet hugely important struggles.

Also, adult friendships are tough. When people disappoint you do you start to withdraw or you carry on? I’m struggling with this big time.

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Thank you for your blog! Adult friendships are so hard to maintain. With my crazy work schedule, I don't have much time for friends, much less time to take my kids to extra-curricular activities. I so wish I have a more flexible work schedule. I also lack time for exercise and self-care.

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Every week I feel like you are talking directly to me! I look forward to these every week :)

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I totally understand where you’re coming from about adult friendships. I find them harder than any other stage because everyone is busy, people change and it’s just hard. I’ve really been feeling lately like some of longest friendships aren’t really reciprocal and it’s been really disheartening. It’s not like we do anything for friends expecting something in return, but to always be the one to reach out, do a kind gesture and never anything in return isn’t a great feeling. I’ve been reevaluating friendships a lot and trying to lean into the ones that feel supportive. Thanks for sharing your thoughts because it reminds me that other people feel the same way too. 🩷

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Oh it’s so sad when your kid thinks they don’t have friends or someone doesn’t like them. My girl is SO friendly and it’s so hard to be like “not everyone wants a hug! Let’s let those kids keep playing together! They don’t want your toy!” Because she’s just being nice. But learning to read people and build up that emotional intelligence is harrrrrd. (Some people never learn it 🫢)

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Thanks for the tip about the leggings on sale - I needed a new pair for spring / summer! 😊

Also, remember to give yourself grace when things are hectic. It's so easy to feel like we've failed or gone backwards but that's not the case at all. I need this reminder too sometimes! ☺️

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